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My Recoverist Family (2017)

Directed, filmed and edited by AMANDA RAVETZ & HUW WAHL

Run time 40 minutes


A film exploring the non-linearity of recovery from substance use within the LGBT+ community and beyond. Featuring David Hoyle, Jackie Haynes, Another Adele, Greg and Justin, with a performance directed by Nick Blackburn.

Project curated by Mark Prest, PORe founding director.


Islington Mill Art Academy - March 6th 2019, Manchester, UK
Film Screening and discussion

REELHEART international Film Festival - July 2019, Vancouver, Canada
Film Screening in Best LQBTQ category


REEl Recovery Film Festival - 2018, New York, USA
Film Screening

Whitworth Thursday Lates - December 14th 2017, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester
Film Screening with Panel including David Hoyle, Mark Prest, Amanda Ravetz, Will Self


Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow

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